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​Making art has always been an important part of my life. It allows me to connect to myself on a deeper level. It is a way of recording my invisible thoughts and emotions. As a child, I always thought I would be an artist when I grow up. After I graduated from high school in Iran, I emigrated to California to study fine arts. As a young female immigrant, I pursued a full-time career in engineering to secure my future.


During the course of over 27 years, working fulltime as an engineer and raising two kids, my artistic expression has gone through many phases. I am primarily self-taught and developed my own voice through soul searching, self-reflection, and self-discovery. I paint in acrylics and sculpt in water-based clay in figurative and contemporary styles. My sculptures are painted in mixed media after being bisque fired. I am interested in creating pieces that are contemplative and evocative.

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